Contact Us

Medical emergency?

Call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest Emergency Department immediately.

Request for signatures, records, etc.

If you are looking for a physician signature, patient records, etc., please contact the patient’s family physician (Health Information Custodian). You can find all physician contact info at:

Looking to contact a TVFHT clinic?

See the list of all sites and contact information here:

I want to:

Talk to my doctor

Please call or email their office directly

We don’t have access to your patient records but your family doctor’s office can help.

When you call them, they can give you an email address to contact them directly in future.

Add something to my patient record

Please call or email your doctor’s office directly.

We don’t have access to your patient records so we can’t add forms, COVID-19 vaccine confirmations, etc., to your patient record.

If you call your family doctor’s office, they will have an email address you can use to contact them directly.

Make an appointment

With your doctor:
Please call his/her/their office directly to book an appointment. Appointments cannot be made through this website or by email.

With your NP, nurse, social worker, dietitian, pharmacist and occupational or respiratory therapist:
Please call the office location where you see these health professionals. You can find a list here.

Get my test results

Please call your doctor or nurse practitioner directly — we cannot provide test results through this website or over email.

Find a new doctor

Click here to see your options – this page is reviewed regularly to ensure it’s up-to-date.

Note: we do not employ doctors — we work in a voluntary partnership with clinics and each doctor decides whether to take new patients.

Tell someone about my concerns with my health care provider

If you have concerns or complaints about your doctor or his/her/their office:

  • Please speak to your doctor or the office manager directly.
  • You can also consult the Patient Help Centre at College of Physicians and Surgeons for guidance.
  • Note: the Thames Valley Family Health Team works in a voluntary partnership with family physicians and we have no authority over how they practice.

If you have concerns or complaints about our health care professionals:
(NPs, nurses, dietitians, occupational therapists, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, social workers, team administrators)

We want to hear from you if you have a concern about our health care professionals — there are a number of ways you can contact us:

Get patient records

If you are a health provider, lawyer, insurance company, etc.:
Please contact your client’s family physician directly. Physicians are the custodian of all patient records, and they will be able to provide you with the information you need. We cannot provide information through this website or through a response to your email.

If you are looking for your own patient records:
Please contact your family doctor’s office directly; we don’t have access to patient records but someone at your doctor’s office can help.

Questions for your doctor?

Please call your doctor’s office directly about all your health concerns.

This website is managed by the Thames Valley Family Health Team, and we don’t have access to your patient record or clinic appointment booking.

For all other inquiries about the Family Health Team:

Please email us at [email protected] or contact us via the form below.

NOTE: our general mailbox is checked once a day. Responses may take up to two business days.

General Inquiries

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