For Patients
Find information to help you between visits with our health care team.
Read some of our resources before your visit.
Program Registration
Learn how to manage your health in a virtual setting!
Programs include one-time groups and multi-week sessions via Zoom.
Patient Survey
Help us improve our care — please take a few moments to share your experience with our team!
We thank you for your input.
For Providers
Find clinical information developed by TVFHT and links to helpful community resources.
We hope you find these helpful.
Looking For A Doctor?
Let us help! Click here for a list of physicians accepting new patients in London and Middlesex area.
Find A DoctorHealth Information
Find it at! This site offers health news, information, and resources relevant to patients in our area.
Find community resourcesOur strategic plan 2021-2024
Find out what our Family Health Team is doing for patients and caregivers as well as our employees and affiliated physicians.
Read more