Are you involved with resident education at your site?
Did you know that there is a Health Professional Educators in Family Medicine Network (HPEN-FM) sponsored by the College of Family Physicians of Canada? They have created a HPEN-FM Hub for health professional educators to provide resources, opportunities for enriching learning and facilitating the exchange of collegial ideas while recognizing the importance of their development and highlighting their achievements in family medicine teaching.
Payal Patel is both the faculty representative for the post-graduate education committee as well as the HPEN Representative for Western.
The Ask
- If you have any ideas or concerns about your role as an educator within the Family Medicine Program at Western please feel free to reach out to her: [email protected].
- As a starting place, if you serve as an educator (in any capacity) at a teaching site, can you please forward your name to her so we can start creating a database? The goal would be to help share resources and provide support in your role as an educator!