Our Priorities

As we head into 2024/25, we will continue working on our strategic priorities as we shift to an Integrated Team Care Network serving the broader community.

We’re excited about our potential growth in collaboration and innovation, but we acknowledge that there may be some hurdles to face in the ever-changing primary healthcare landscape.

Fostering the wellbeing of our employees and physician partners is a priority for TVFHT, and we take this responsibility seriously. We recognize that fair compensation for primary care is critical, and we are committed to continued participation in advocacy efforts with government through our provincial associations.

Fostering the wellbeing of our employees and physician partners is a priority for TVFHT, and we take this responsibility seriously. We recognize that fair compensation for primary care is critical, and we are committed to continued participation in advocacy efforts with government through our provincial associations.

Examples of additional priorities for 2024/25:

Advance Collaborative and Integrated Care

  • Advance our transformation into an Integrated Team Care Network that will extend our services to patients with complex health needs in the community.
  • Implement the Interdisciplinary Care Team with partners in Elgin County to serve patients without a primary care provider, with a special focus on individuals with mental health challenges and who are considered marginalized or vulnerable.
  • Actively participate in the Whole of System Health & Homelessness Response in London to provide primary care services for marginalized and vulnerable populations.

Health Equity & Cultural Safety

Expanding access to team-based care:

  • Empower clinical professionals to work to their full scope, for example, enabling our Nurse Practitioners to become independent primary care providers in collaboration with physician partners.
  • Collaborate with Noojimo Health, Canada’s first all-Indigenous mental wellness clinic, to better serve those individuals identifying as indigenous and to embed culturally safe language in groups and one-to-one care.

Empower Primary Care Leadership

  • Actively engage in the development of Primary Care Networks within the Elgin, Middlesex London, and Oxford Ontario Health Teams.
  • Continue to enhance our relationship with affiliated physician partners.
  • Strengthen newly developed partnerships with community physicians and other stakeholders to leverage attachment to primary care. This will impact system efficiencies and access.
  • Continue to support Nurse Practitioner leadership within TVFHT.

Our Commitment to Excellence

As we move forward with these initiatives, TVFHT remains committed to improving primary healthcare and supporting the well-being of our community.

Our dedication to employee and physician partner wellness, collaborative care, health equity, and strong primary care leadership shapes our plans for 2024/25. By focusing on these goals, we aim to tackle the challenges in healthcare with resilience and innovation, ensuring we meet the changing needs of our patients and partners.

We appreciate the ongoing support and dedication of our team as we work together to create a healthier future for everyone.

Thames Valley Family Health Team

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