Disclaimer: The Thames Valley Family Health Team does not take any responsibility for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information contained on these sites. The health information provided on the websites listed here should not be taken as a substitute for visiting a health professional.
This list is only a sample of the health organizations or health information for your area. For a more detailed list, go to www.southwesthealthline.ca.
- Drug and Alcohol Helpline
- Problem Gambling Helpline
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Addiction Services of Thames Valley
- September Spike – find out about increase in asthma attacks in students during the third week of September
- Ryan’s Law – how schools keep students with asthma safe
- FreeDem Films – address your fears about memory loss and dementia and provide practical advice about brain health
Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault
- London Abused Women’s Centre
- SJHC Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre
- Sexual Assault Centre of London
General Information
Health & Wellness
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
The low FODMAP diet — managing IBS through what you eat – video series from Registered Dietitians of the Thames Valley Family Health Team
Mental Health Bereavement
- Web Healing
- Bereaved Families of Ontario
- Coping With Grief and Loss (via helpguide.org)
Mental Health Resources (Adults)
- eMental Health
- Centre for Clinical Interventions
- Anxiety BC
- Antidepressant Skills Workbook (Simon Fraser University / BC Mental Health & Addiction Services)
- An Introductory Self-Help Course in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (via DBT Self-Help)
Mental Health Resources (Child and Youth)
- Collaborative Mental Health Care Child & Youth Mental Health Toolkits
- Children’s Mental Health Ontario
- Mind Your Mind
- Vanier Children’s Services Crisis Intake Team
Mental Health Crisis
- (Adults) Canadian Mental Health Association Middlesex Crisis Services
- (Children) Vanier Children’s Services Crisis Intake Team
- Dietitians of Canada
- Cookspiration
- eaTracker
- Eat Wise
- EatRight Ontario
- College of Dietitians of Ontario
- NutriSTEP
- Nutri-eScreen
Refugee Resources
Social Assistance
- Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Resources
- Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario Disability Support Program
- Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario Works Program