Intuitive Eating


3 weekly sessions, 2 hours each


In this virtual group, registered dietitians introduce key strategies to help you become an intuitive eater.

Who should attend this group?

This group is intended for people who would like to free themselves from chronic dieting, make peace with food and rediscover the pleasure of eating.


Weekly attendance is expected, as well as a commitment to complete homework between sessions.

No purchase of material is required, however, to learn more about Intuitive Eating, you are welcome to pick up the following resources from your local bookstore or library, where available:

Intuitive Eating – A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach (4th Edition, E. Tribole and E. Resch)

The Intuitive Eating Workbook (2nd Edition) – comes out January 2025


Over the course of the 3 weeks, participants will learn to reconnect with their internal wisdom about eating, challenge aspects of diet culture including weight stigma, and develop body positivity and appreciation towards their feelings, bodies and themselves.

Group Handouts
  • Coming soon

Participant Feedback

“Thanks for the course! Very interesting material. A new approach- very different from what I’ve been exposed to in the past. Nice to know I’m not alone!” (January 2025)

“Great resources–easy to understand and start making personal changes.” (January 2025)

“What will be most helpful to me: Adding mindfulness to eating and taking the time to really assess my hunger levels when the food noise in my head is suggesting that food is the answer.” (January 2025)

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